Our Custom Bedding is made to measure to fit your shaped bed perfectly. Our fool-proof templating method is tried and test, or alternatively we have an extensive database of boat templates on file and can also work from drawings and dimensions.
Follow the steps below, to see how easy and mistake-proof our templating method is.
We offer templating kits for just £10, which include a £15 voucher to use against your order. Call us on 03704 464 233 to order a templating kit today.

Step 1
Cover the top of your mattress with templating paper or an old bed sheet
Step 2
Draw around the edges of the mattress with a marker pen

Step 3
Cut out the template and lay it back onto the mattress to check the fit. Make adjustments if required.
Step 4
Clearly mark the top surface of the template, depth of your mattress, and your name and contact details.

Please send your templates to:
Ship Shape Bedding, Unit 1, Stalham Road Industrial Estate, Hoveton, Norfolk, NR12 8DZ
Contact Us if you would like any advice or guidance, please call us on 03704 464 233 or email us at info@ShipShapeBedding.co.uk.